Tuesday 18 July 2017

Get child insurance plan to secure your child’s future

A child insurance plan provides various benefits to the policy holder. In India, there are accidents after every 30 seconds and it is threatening parents to secure their child future. Also,there are some financial reasons for which parents have to take care of their children. For fulfilling these needs, parents are moving toward child insurance plan. A child insurance plan provides various benefits to th child. Lic child plan is one such plan which offers wide benefits to the policy holder. Because of the increasing cost of the education, parents are worrying a lot. Child insurance plans give a good corpus to the policy holder by investing in the premiums in a fund and it can be either endowment plan or ULIP based plans. LIC child plan provides the life cover to the policyholder and insurance company waves off the future premiums and continue with the policy on behalf of the policy holder. Moreover company pays a lump sum amount to the policy holder after certain time period for the maintenance of the child.

Tax saving plan
Benefits of Child insurance Plan
  1. Financial Protection- LIC child plan provides financial protection to the policy holder in case of death and waves off the entire premium and continue with policy on behalf of the policy holder. Financial benefits matters most for parents to take caretheir children.
  2. Lump Sum Payment- LIC child plan gives lump sum amount to the policy holder after certain period to meet the needs of the policy holder and it helps the child to meet his financial needs after certain benefits.
  3. Maturity Benefits- You can take a child insurance plan for certain period considering important stages of your children. LIC provides the facility of the maturity of the policy at certain age of the child like 18, 21, 25 etc. It helps the child parent with good amount to meet child needs like professional course, marriage and many other things etc.
  4. Partial Withdrawal Facility- LIC child plan provides you the facility of maturity benefits after certain age but what to do if you need the money before that time. LIC provides the facility of partial withdrawal facility where you can withdraw some percentage amount after certain period of time.
  5. Tax Benefits- If you are a tax payer and pay your taxes annually. You can have tax deduction benefits as per the tax rules. You can save your taxes by investing in LIC child plan and your investment will be tax free and you can have tax benefits.
Tax Saving Plan
Tax saving is a big concern these days for millions of house hold in India these days. There are many tax saving plan introduced by the various companies in the market. But LIC is offering the best Tax saving plan as there are very less hidden charges of LIC in the policies. A tax saving plan is one that offers mainly the tax advantage to the policy holders and provides some other benefits like maturity benefits, partial withdrawal etc. to the policy holders. Every year there is increase in the people who are paying taxes. People wish to save taxes to increase their earned income. You can invest in the tax saving insurance plan which offers wide variety of investment opportunity too in the unit linked insurance plan. You can invest in ELSS( Equity linked Saving schemes) and can avail tax benefits and as per industry experts ELSS offers the best tax saving opportunity. In such schemes, investors have both the benefits, capital appreciation and tax benefits.
What should you look in ELSS fund or Tax saving schemes?
If you are willing to invest in the ELSS, you should look at the approach of the fund manager before investing your money. You should also look at the some other things like portfolio of the fund, fund manager’s approach in the investment and expenses ratio of the fund and also how much is the fund volatile in the part. These are some basic homework that you must do before you get into the ELSS fund. You will have better earning opportunity in the ELSS schemes as compared to the traditional saving plans.
There are two approaches of the investment either equity linked plans or traditional schemes. If you want to completely safe your investment, you should invest in traditional investment plans but if you want to earn some more money over your investment by investing in the equity linked investment plan but you will have to do some home work before it as we discussed above.

Monday 19 June 2017

Know LIC saving plans to secure your future

It is not possible to forecast the future. One does not know what will happen in the next minute. Today everyone’s life is at stake, looking at the rate of accidents and the spread of diseases. It is important that one should plan and save for the future. With rise in incomes and simultaneous rise in expenses, a small sum is left for savings. But it is correctly said that first one should save and then spend the rest of their income.

Variety of saving plans

Today the market is flooded with an array of saving plans. People save their money where there is less risk and high returns. Mutual funds, fixed deposits, insurance, investment in bonds, gold and shares are some mediums of savings. Financial institutions offer a variety of plans and policies which cater to all needs of individuals. Modern financial institutions have opened up many clever avenues of investments that horde sums of money for a specified period of time earn a decent interest and offer peace of mind to the investors. Saving is considered as a part of Indian tradition known as responsible and cultural living.

Insurance as a saving option

Insurance investment plans offer financial products to individuals for regular and disciplined investment in different policies for achieving their long term financial goals. Saving, together with a life cover is what insurance offers. A life insurance plan not only creates wealth for future but at the same time also give life coverage. Insurance is also known as an ideal tool for retirement preparation. The policy holders alsoget yearly bonus/dividends. A majority of insurance plans also offer tax benefits.

Types of insurance saving plans

Insurance companies have an array of insurance saving plans that cover the needs of varied investors. The types of insurance saving plans are as follows:
  • Endowment plans: These plans tend to pay out the sum assured under both scenarios i.e. death or survival. The companies invest the premiums paid by policyholders in the debt or equities market. So apart from covering the life of the insured, the policyholder also saves regularly for a specific period of time and gets the lump sum amount at the end of the maturity period, if he survives.
  • Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs): They are a variant of endowment plans. The sum assured is paid at the time of death/maturity. As the name suggests, these investments are linked to market. Investments are either allocated in debt or stock market, depending on the choice of the policyholder. They are a combination of investment and insurance.
  • Money back policy: Under this policy, a portion of the sum assured is paid at regular intervals. At the end of the policy term, if the policyholder survives he gets the balance sum assured. In case of his death, his beneficiary gets the full sum assured.
These policies provide a life cover as well as an investment avenue.

LIC saving plans

LIC’s saving plans

LIC is one of the most trusted brands in India for life insurance. They offer saving plans to meet the different needs of individuals. LIC saving plans are coupled with life insurance cover. Following is the list of saving plans from LIC:
  • Single Premium Endowment Plan
  • New Endowment Plan
  • New Jeevan Anand
  • Jeevan Rakshak
  • Jeevan Lakshya
  • Limited Premium Endowment Plan
  • New Endowment Plus
All these policies have their own terms and conditions relating to minimum premium, entry age, tenure and sum assured.

Save tax by investing in insurance

Another great advantage of investing in insurance plans is that one can save the tax payable by availing the deductions under certain sections of the Income Tax Act, 1961. With the increase in the income of an individual the amount of tax payable also increases. Therefore, tax planning is very useful in saving your hard-earned money. LIC provides an array of policies to suit the needs of the customer, enabling you to save your well-earned money and reap maximum benefits.

Authorized and qualified LIC agent in Delhi will be able to guide as to the best insurance investment plan that suit the need of the customer. If one has no idea about investments, then they are the best people to take guidance from.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

3 of the best LIC Policy available in the market and LIC Saving Plans

Nobody in this world has an idea of certainty; nobody knows what is going to happen the next moment or what might occur in a person’s life. There can be financial breakdowns, or a tragic incident of the death of the bread-earner of the family. These kinds of problems always lead to the destruction and sad life for the concerned families. Therefore it is always a wise decision to make plans and keep those plans ready when times like these come into someone’s lifec by taking the best LIC Policy available. This is the reason why most of the people choose the option of life insurances and policies. This in turn helps to sustain and keep the family safe even after the death of the bread earner of the family. There are many kinds of insurances and policies which include different kinds of plans for different family members and it might also depend upon the situation as well.

Some basic details about LIC
The LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA or the LIC is acknowledged as one of the most trusted and dependant insurance company that has been serving thousands of Indian families from a very long time. This organisation has a very simple past and was founded to look after the welfare of the families and to safeguard their finance so that it can be used productively with the help of best LIC Policy as well asLIC Saving Plans Different kinds of people have different kinds of views and so every individual needs a different kind of insurance that meets their requirements, therefore LIC’s insurance plans and policies are very much according to the needs of an individual because they talk to you and give you the most suitable option that caters to the individual’s needs.

LIC saving plans

The best LIC Policy rather policies available in the markets now
There are many kinds of insurance and policies that are available for the people well some of the best LIC Policy designed by LIC are as follows and yes they include LIC Saving Plans as well:

This plan is a very attractive plan because it offers both protection and also savings. It provides death benefit where on death during the policy term the basic sum return is absolutely assured. Also if the death has taken place because of any accident, a lump sum of the amount will be paid within the next 180 days. The sum assured which is equal to accident benefit and the sum assured under the policy shall be waived.

The word Jeevan Rakshak means life saver and this is what this unique plan is all about helping out people in times of disaster. Life and death are not in the hands of people so this policy is designed in such a way whereby you can take a loan from it as well in case of any need. Moreover the amount of money that the family of the demised person gets is also good and can help them sustain for pretty long time till they can make arrangements for themselves.

This particular plan is a very unique plan that provides health insurance to the policy holder in case he suffers from certain specified health risks and also provides support in case of any medical emergency. Health is everyone’s concern and that is what this policy does as it takes care of the medical emergency keeping your future plans unaffected.

What is the LIC savings plan?
The word “savings” in the LIC savings plan itself shows that it is related to saving money. The LIC savings plan is a unique plan where people save money on a monthly basis like any other savings account but the only difference here is that the rate of interest is different and far better than the banks. Moreover the liquidity rules are simpler and better here as you can withdraw a sum of your savings easily without any hassle from the money that you saved. Overdraft facility is also there in some of the saving plans that are available in the markets now.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Know about LIC child plans and LIC saving plans and their importance

LIC Saving Plans
A brief on LIC or Life Insurance Corporation of India
The LIC or the life insurance corporation of India is one of the oldest and the most trusted insurer in this sector. LIC has always come up with various kinds of outstanding schemes for the people and helping them to save and invest for the future always. LIC believes in building a better future than a good present and thus the schemes and plans of all the LIC programs are based on this. One of the most fascinating and efficient plan that LIC came up is the LIC child plans.
What is the LIC Child Plan?
The LIC Child Plan solely focuses on the betterment of your child and securing their future. As a parent you always want the best for your kid and nothing is better than securing your child’s future and giving him/her a safe and secured life. LIC has devised a blueprint for your child which has some really amazing features if unfortunately meet with an unfortunate death and mishaps as such.
Features of the LIC Child Plan
When it comes to the features of the LIC Child Plan the things have been kept pretty clean and simple and everything is summarised to three very simple features.
  • This LIC child plan is such a participating plan that it can earn bonuses and the premium is paid for a limited term of the plan.
  • Children who are less than 8 years of age have a deferment period under this plan and the risk cover will start a day before the completion of 2 years of the policy commencement.
  • Under this particular plan, in case of any unfortunate death of the insured during the deferment period only the paid premiums are returned.
Child insurance plans have become very important now because they specially provide for one’s child’s future even in an absence of his/her parents. The money will be utilized only for the child’s education which was the actual rationale while buying the child plan.

What are the LIC Saving Plans 
It is a known and a very obvious fact that you might have plans for your loved ones and for yourselves and it makes perfect sense to prepare properly in advance with a saving plan combined with a life insurance cover. LIC has come up with such saving plans which will in all ways help you plan your savings, whether it be your child’s education or wedding, buying a new house or of a dream vacation so that you can celebrate life to its fullest.
Plans that come under the LIC Saving Plans
All your dreams can be made possible by the help of different saving plans introduced by LIC. Some of these plans include
  • Smart bachat plan- which is an endowment plan designed to keep the promise or the obligation of paying the premium over a long period of time at bay. With this plan you can safeguard the future of your family as well as plan your investments wisely
  • New endowment plan - which is a participating non-linked plan that offers a very attractive combination of protecting and saving features. It provides a support for the family of the deceased policyholder before maturity.
  • LIC money back plans – A plan that offers an attractive combinatiLIC Of India 12/56, DB Gupta Road, Karol Bagh, Block 56, Karol Bagh, New on of protection and also come with a periodic payment on survival at specified durations during the term. It also offers liquidity through its loan facilities.
The need of the LIC Saving Plans in today’s life

Day by day as the income of people is increasing the expenses are also increasing and on the other hand taxes as well. A large part of the salary goes in paying of service and professional taxes to the government. Plans like the LIC Saving Plans are designed in such a way that your money increases with the passing time as you get a rate of interest on your investment on a monthly or a quarterly basis. More over the receipts that you get from these investments also help you to get rebates on taxes as well. There are loan facilities as well in some of the plans as well in case you need money suddenly.

Saturday 11 February 2017

All You Need To Know About The Best LIC Policy

st have seen so many ads and online sites coming up with good LIC plans that offer great returns. These days, investing in such plan has become quite important looking at the increasing risk in which a person is living up these days. So, whether it is from saving point of view or to safeguard the family, every person looks for the best LIC policy that is value for money. Unfortunately not everyone gets success in choosing the right place possibly because of lack of knowledge about the same. That is why here are some important things that you might want to know.

best LIC policy
Know More About LIC Term Insurance Plan:
Such type of policy is one of the traditional insurance plans in which the life of the insured person is covered to a certain extent. The coverage includes the scenario such as unfortunate accident that causes death of the insured person. This means if the person dies in the policy period, the amount for which he was insured will be directly given to the person whom he considered as the nominee or to family after him depending upon the name mentioned in the contract. No doubt that there are different types of LIC plans to come across and as compared to other place, term insurance is the cheapest one.

Know More About Term Insurance Plan:
Moving on to the common scheme of LIC policy is the term insurance. It is another word given for the protection plan which is specially designed for the family protection. In this after the death of the insured person, the amount till which he was insured will be given to the family for the unforeseen situations. There are three types of term insurance which is level benefit, increasing benefit and decreasing benefit. The bread earner must choose such type of plan who has some serious health issues.

Types Of LIC Term Plan Benefits:
In case if there is any kind of misshaping or accident that takes place, then the company from whom such policy was purchased will have to pay the entire amount to the nominee. The policy holder will not be able to avail the benefits till the end of this policy term but can renew it by paying the premium to continue availing the benefits. Talking of which, there are two ways to avail the benefit. One is death benefit and other is income tax benefit.

  • Death Benefit:
Under death benefit, if the death of the insured person takes place within the policy period then the amount assured is given to the family member or the person to whom the insured person has kept as a nominee. For first year, the nominee will not have to pay any kinds of benefits.
  • Income Tax Benefit:
Under this type of benefit, after the death of the person, the nominee will be given tax benefit up to 1,00,000/-.

Know Different Plans:
LIC offers different term plans such as LIC New Jeevan Mangal, Bhagya Lakshmi, LIC e-Term, Anmol Jeevan – II, and Amulya Jeevan – II depending upon your capability you can choose the plan and premium for the same.
The above things are definitely helpful for those people who want to make their investment worth for their family after they pass away. However, if you are still unsure about it then you can meet an LIC agent who can explain you every part of it clearly. Besides, such experts hold years of experience and a great knowledge by which they can explain you the right source to go ahead with a good deal. So, what are you waiting for? Choose the best LIC term policy that can safeguard your family in long run without any risk of loss.

Friday 10 February 2017

Find out about the best online LIC plans for a better future

Online plans of LIC is a professionally authorized and qualified LIC agent that have been into the service for more than 7 years by providing services to the local clients in Delhi region. LIC promises to provide services to their trusted customers for many years in bets way possible. Their services include sustaining financial status even when a person has retired. They are at the customer’s service any time the customers need these services. Online LIC services have more than 250 million people in their family. The responsibility of their service is to protect these people against any kind of injustice and provide them a much secured life even after their retirements. There is some of the Best LIC policy which is provided to such people on a monthly basis.

Best LIC policy

Professional and personal help
The journey of LIC is that of trust and security. The journey started quite consciously 5 years back and has not looked back since then. Insurance is not just a business for them; it is a part of the lives of millions of people who are involved with them in every step. They promise to provide the Best LIC policy to their customers and help them with the struggle they have to carry on in their lives.

Jeevan Tarun
The project of LIC named Jeevan Tarun is a non-linked premium which is of participatory nature providing payment plan and offers some attractive combination of saving and protection features for children of different age groups. LIC child plan is an attractive plan which has been organized keeping in mind the benefits of all children involved. The plan has been specially designed and organized to meet the specific needs such as educational and other needs of growing child through a survival benefit payment on an annual basis right from the age of 20 to the age of 24 years. There is a maturity benefit as well at the age of 25. The plan is quite flexible in comparison to other plans. At the proposal stage, there is an option for the proposer to choose the survival benefit proposition that is to be availed during the policy term.

Survival benefit
There is a survival befit included in the LIC child planIt is a percentage of the annual payment of the assured sum provided every year. This starts from policy anniversary which often coincides with the 20 years completion and then on every 4 policy anniversaries following a maturity benefits which is a fixed percentage of the assured sum. This is vested with simple reversionary bonuses and other additional bonuses on the maturity of the plan. There are many options provided and the option which has been chosen shall be a part of the policy contract and no changes can be made further.

LIC child plan

Other benefits of the plan
There are other benefits of the plan which has been provided along with and must be taken into account while going through the plan. This has been considered as the Best LIC policy till date which provides benefits to all the children involved with. This plan also takes care of the liquidity needs with the help of the loan facility that it provides. The plan can be taken by the grandparents or any of the parents of the child till the age 12 years.

Death benefit
In case of any unfortunate event such as death occurring during the term of the policy, death benefit shall be provided which has been defined as a sum which has been assured on death. Thus, Online LIC India comes up with such great plan and encourages its customers to hold the bond for the lifetime.

Friday 6 January 2017

Importance Of LIC Term Policy

Income tax is forced on a company or an individual by the Indian Government if the income of the company or an individual is included in the taxable income slab. But there are certain incomes which are exempted from tax. There are several tax saving options. If you invest on one such option, you can avail a tax deduction. One such popular tax saving options is LIC’s Term Plan. This plan is considered as the best Tax saving plan. So when you think of investing in a tax saving option, considered this particular option. But do not expect any maturity benefit from this plan. LIC’s term plan can be further categorized under two broad heads:  LIC Term Plan Amulya Jeevan-II and LIC Term Plan Anmol Jeevan-II.

About LIC Term Plan Amulya Jeevan-II

LIC Term Plan Amulya Jeevan II is completely a risk cover term plan,  the sum assured is 25lakhs and more. It can be picked chiefly for protection. The plan is such that if the life insured dies, then the nominee will get the sum assured.

Features Of LIC Term Plan Amulya Jeevan-II

• Pure LIC term policy with a death benefit
• Sum assured rupees 25 lakhs or you can opt for more
• No maturity benefits
• Get tax benefits


The LIC Term Plan Amulya Jeevan-II offers manifold benefits.

• Death benefit- the sum assured is completely paid to the nominee if the life insured dies during the policy term.
• Maturity benefit- this plan does not offer any maturity  benefit as it is a complete protection plan
• Income tax benefit- you can save your tax if you avail this plan

Eligibility Conditions

• The minimum sum assured is rupees 25lacs and the maximum amount is unlimited
• The minimum policy term is 5years and 35years is the maximum
• Minimum entry age of the insured is 18years and the maximum is 60years
• Maximum maturity age is 70years
• Payment mode is half-yearly and yearly

About LIC Term Plan Anmol Jeevan-II

This plan is a risk cover plan and sum assured is upto rupees 24lakhs. It is primarily for protection. The nominee will get the sum assured on the death of the life insured during the policy term.

Key Features

• It is a complete term plan with a death benefit
• You can opt for Sum assured rupees six lacs to rupees 24lacs
• No maturity benefits
• Tax benefits available


• Death benefit- on the death of the life insured, the sum assured is given to the nominee.
• Maturity benefit- this is a protection plan, so this plan does not offer any maturity benefit.
• Income tax benefit- if you want to save tax, then this term policy is the ideal option.

Eligibility Conditions

• The minimum sum assured is rupees 6lacs and the maximum sum assured is rupees 24lacs
• The minimum term of the policy is 5years and the maximum is 25years
• Minimum entry age of the insured is 18years and the maximum age is 55years
• You have to pay the premium till your policy tenure ends
• Maximum maturity age is 65years
• Payment modes are half-yearly and yearly

The Bottom Line

When you think of options as how to save tax, then the above-mentioned   LIC’s term plan are considered to be the best. For further information, get in touch with onlinelicindia.co.in either by sending an email or giving a call. You will get the contact details on the website of LIC. So, do not worry as you have the best tax saving option near your hand. It will indeed of great help to you.